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Another stage of the Women Sowing Opportunities project!

We are excited to announce the start of another phase of the Women Sowing Opportunities project, now with the Kîsêdjê people of Khikatxi Village, in the Wawi Indigenous Land. 🌱👩‍🌾

This incredible project aims to strengthen women's participatory management and support them in sustainable activities, as in the case of the Kîsêdjê:

- Seed collection 🌰

- Production of fruit seedlings 🍇

- Implementation of SAFs 🌳

- Support for the collection and processing of pequi and chilli peppers 🌶️

- Traditional planting of annatto and traditional gardens 🌾

Thanks to the support of BrazilFoundation, through the Luz Alliance Fund, more than 300 indigenous Kinsedje will benefit directly. 💚

Together, we're building a more sustainable and inclusive future! 🌍✨


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