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Several indigenous villages face challenges related to the lack of community connectivity. One example is the Pontal village, located in the Pontal dos Apiaká e Isolados Indigenous Territory (TI), which sometimes goes up to three months without any form of communication.


Internet access is very limited, limited to the use of the connection available at the school, when it is operational.


The scope of the project is primarily aimed at improving the quality of life of the Apiaká and Munduruku communities, focusing on the implementation of solar energy systems in the villages of Pontal, Kanyndé and Piraputuá. This effort seeks to minimize the environmental impact by avoiding the use of fossil fuels to power generators.


In addition, the installation of daytime running lights, consisting of plastic bottles filled with a water and chlorine solution, plays a crucial role in the project. These bottles are placed in small holes in the roofs of houses, allowing sunlight to penetrate through the upper part of the bottle and diffuse throughout the environment.


The project's expected results encompass not only improvements in the infrastructure of the three aforementioned indigenous communities, but also actions aimed at monitoring and territorial surveillance of the Apiaká do Pontal and Isolated Indigenous Lands.

Objectives connected to this initiative:



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